Great SEO Titles are very important, writing a title for any content online is crucial in helping it rank on search engines. They are one of the essential elements of SEO because they are used to generate the title tags, which are one of the most critical factors in on-page SEO.

However, titles are also important as Great SEO Titles because they are one of the first things people see when they find your website in a search engine. Overall, a good title will help to draw people into your website, and a wrong title will send them away. But how should businesses write titles?

1. Use Focus Keywords

When writing a title for your website, you’ll want to use focus keywords. These are the words and phrases that you want to rank for on search engines, and they should be included in your title. The focus keywords should also vary from general to niche words.

Not only will this help your website rank for those keywords, but it will also help to give people an idea of what your website is about. If you need help determining which keywords to use, you can use a keyword research tool to find out which ones are most relevant to your website.

2. Keep It Short

Titles should encapsulate the content in 60 characters or less. However, it should be at most 55 characters, or it will not do well in search results. Keeping the title short should ensure the perfect balance of hints and ideas on the topic.

Meanwhile, longer titles are often discouraged as people will not see their entirety on web browsers. Usually, search engines stop displaying full titles for those with 60 characters or more. As a result, readers will only see part of the picture and end up useful.

3. Utilise Witty Hooks

Capturing the reader’s attention is a must for creating content online. Therefore, using witty hooks in titles should make them interested to read the entire post. These hooks should have a clear connection to the topic but should be enough to make readers come to your post.

Meanwhile, using puns is also an effective way to attract more readers. However, it is best not to overdo using witty hooks. Try to evaluate if they fit the topic and if the timing feels suitable for writing the content.

4. Include Numbers

When writing content, including numbers in the title can also be a good idea. These numbers can be anything, such as the number of tips, the number of reasons, or the number of steps. Using numbers in the title can make the article more reliable, mainly if you write a how-to post.

Numbers make readers believe that the post is not just a waste of time but has a purpose. However, it does not mean that you should include too much information. Also, consider what readers want to learn or know about and their general application.

5. Capitalise Properly

Capitalising the first letter of each word in the title is a must, making the title look more professional and easy to read. When writing a title, you should also capitalise it appropriately—using capitalised letters for the first word and proper nouns.

It is essential to capitalise the first letter of each word in the headline, especially on a blog post. However, it is unnecessary to capitalise all the words in the title, such as prepositions, articles, and conjunctions.


The title is an essential part of any content online. It catches the reader’s attention and makes them want to read more. A good title should be catchy, descriptive, and relevant to the content. However, remember that the title is just the beginning—it’s also essential to have solid and well-written content to back it up.

Validus Media offers SEO services in Leeds and globally. As a digital marketing agency, we handle most online concerns while ensuring our clients get the top spot on search engines. Let us build the company’s online presence, increase sales, and drive more traffic to the website by contacting us through our website today.

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